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MAHR - Шариковые направляющие Marmotion - 2010 Английский язык
для размещения заказа - mahr@mahr-tools.ru
- 34 M a r M o t i o n . H i g h - p re c i s i o n ro t a r y s t ro k e b e a r i n g s
1. General description
Recent decades have seen high-precision Mahr MarMotion rotary stroke bearings for linear and rotary motion extend their area of
application from the pressing tool sector to include general mechanical engineering, precision mechanical and optical engineering
and a wide range of specialized fields.
In the course of this development work, Mahr has devised computation formulae based on the company's long experience and
supported by close cooperation with various technical colleges and universities. This expertise helps designers to optimize the
rotary stroke bearing for a particular application. This results in excellent guiding accuracy, optimum reliability and long service life.
The rotary stroke bearings manufactured with great precision by Mahr mean that the user can be sure that components are
interchangeable. The MarMotion high-precision rotary stroke bearing can therefore be considered an integral part of the mechanical and
design elements.
The main features of the MarMotion high-precision rotary stroke bearings are as follows:
Maximum guiding accuracy Rapid movements, high acceleration
The MarMotion high-precision rotary stroke bearing offers high The low friction rolling action in the MarMotion high-precision
guiding accuracy for both linear and rotary movements. rotary stroke bearing enables rapid movements and high
This is guaranteed by the micro-finished running faces of shafts acceleration. The low inertia forces of plastic cages make these
and bushes, whose accuracy of form in terms of roundness and particularly well suited for high-frequency linear and rotary
cylindricity lies within 1/3 of ISO tolerance class IT 3. movements.
The exclusive use of grade 5, sorting class P0 steel balls
(DIN 5401 or ISO 3290) also contributes to the high degree of Long service life
guiding accuracy.
Careful selection and heat treatment of the materials used,
Backlash-free guiding coupled with top quality bearing faces, means that the
MarMotion high-precision rotary stroke bearings are particularly
There is no backlash whatsoever in the guide because the balls resistant to abrasion.
are preloaded under a tension of a few m between the shaft
and the bush. Optimum preloading is ensured in the factory by Minimum maintenance
pairing the shaft, ball cage and bush. This simplifies the process
of fitting the rotary stroke bearing. In most cases, a thin film of lubricant is sufficient for several
months' continuous operation. The outlay required for
Smooth running maintenance during operation is minimal.
The MarMotion high-precision rotary stroke bearing ensures both Interchangeability
maximum guiding accuracy and very low friction.
A pure contact rolling motion of the balls on the micro-finished All individual components are interchangeable. This is due to
running faces ensures very low friction. The coefficient of friction continuous quality control, the exclusive use of balls of sorting
lies between 0.001 and 0.008 and ensures smooth running. group P0, and the machining of shafts and bushes to a high
standard of precision. This ensures problem-free continuous
High loading capacity and guiding rigidity operation.
The dense arrangement of the balls and the high form and Special designs
dimensional accuracy of the balls and bearing faces provide a
large number of contact points, thereby ensuring uniform The extensive range of MarMotion high-precision rotary
distribution of the load in the guide. The designer can make stroke bearings offers appropriate solutions for many different
optimum use of the available space. The functional reliability of applications. We can also manufacture special designs for
the guide is significantly increased. particular applications and requirements on the basis of
workpiece drawings. Using alternative materials can also
open up new possibilities.